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Image: Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Implementation & Monitoring

The CAP identifies a comprehensive set of goals, targets, measures, and actions that the City can use to reduce GHG emissions. These actions include a combination of ordinances, City Council policies, resolutions, programs and incentives, as well as outreach and education activities.

To implement and monitor of these activities, the City will follow the recommendations from the 2019 Performance Audit of the Climate Action Plan. Specifically for implementation, the City will:

  • Recommendation 1 - To formally establish responsibility and authority for oversight and accountability of CAP implementation, through annual department work plans and department CAP liaisons to assist the Council with budgetary considerations.
  • Recommendation 6 - Once CAP 2.0 is developed, the City should develop an implementation plan, including an estimate of associated costs, information on funding sources, and identification of funding gaps.

Over the next five years of implementation for this CAP, City staff will report on progress to the City Council and the public. The City commits to providing an annual progress report and conducting comprehensive GHG emissions inventories at least every two years. The annual progress report will use data from the inventories, air quality monitoring data from APCD, and tracking from City departments and external partners to demonstrate the process of implementation and the outcomes of action to date. Staff will release an updated CAP in 2027 to assure that the City has a path to achieving these specified levels of GHG reductions. The City will use the most reliable data available to accurately and comprehensively report implementation progress, particularly as it relates to the City’s efforts to increase climate equity. '

A central tenet to this CAP is the City’s commitment to equity and improving the quality of life for residents in Communities of Concern. To ensure that the City is responding appropriately to the needs of these communities and using the best available data, the City commits to updating the CEI in 2022 and again when new data (e.g. updated Census information or CalEnviroScreen updates) necessitates an update.