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MLU-3.1-SA19Amend Council Policy 800-14 to prioritize CAP implementation with a greater investment in Communities of Concern, [cont]...

Image: City of San Diego


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Amend Council Policy 800-14 to prioritize CAP implementation with a greater investment in Communities of Concern, repurposing of the public right of way to include Class IV Bike Facilities, coordinate with SANDAG Early Action Plan bike projects, and improved accessibility for walking/rolling for all ages and abilities
(Full action name in the CAP)
Council Policy 800-14 (Prioritizing Capital Improvement Projects) underwent updates in December 2022. This revised policy outlines a procedure and assigns scoring weights for prioritizing capital needs and projects. While the updated policy does not explicitly allocate points for bicycle projects, it does update the Sustainability and Conservation factor to ensure that the City's Climate Action Plan goals are considered in capital improvement project proposals. This factor evaluates whether proposed projects will benefit Communities of Concern, reduce auto-dependency, and promote alternative modes of transportation like walking, bicycling, and public transit. An additional modification stipulates that projects failing to score any points in the Sustainability and Conservation factor must undergo reevaluation by the Asset Managing Department. Notably, the Sustainability and Conservation factor carries greater weight in the final score compared to its significance in the policy's previous iteration.

Summary and contacts

  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

Reduce GHG Emissions

Community Identified Action

  • Feasibility score

  • Equity score

Information updated 12.09.2024