During the engagement process of the draft 2015 Climate Action Plan (CAP), every Community of Concern expressed a strong desire for more trees and green spaces. Trees and green spaces improve air quality, create a buffer between freeways and homes, create cooler sidewalks improving walkability and bikeability, beautify
neighborhoods, and provide public areas to congregate and develop relationships that improve neighborhoods holistically.
The City of San Diego is currently in the Planning Phase for creating a Street Tree Master Plan of planting 100,000 trees by 2035 that identifies City lands and spaces that need trees and ways to increase permeable areas for new trees, focused in Communities of Concern.
The City has a target of 28% urban tree canopy cover by 2030 which would result in an annual GHG reduction of 82,806 MT CO2e. Going further, the City has a goal of 35% urban tree canopy cover by 2035 which would result in an annual GHG reduction of 102,290 MT CO2e.
This indicator shows the number of trees planted per year towards these goals.