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Decarbonization - Natural Gas Consumption at Municipal Facilities

Latest value
4.5million therms
0 million therms
Time to goal
kuuden vuoden päästä
-2.2million therms
2.3million therms
Tactical indicator

This indicator shows annual natural gas use at City facilities. The City intends to reduce natural gas use by implementing energy efficiency projects at all of its facilities. This work will extend beyond the duration of the current Climate Action Plan.

The targets shown on the right (green x's) represent a 50% reduction in use by 2030 and a 100% reduction in use by 2035 (reductions calculated from total amount used in 2019).

Decarbonization - Natural Gas Consumption at Municipal Facilities

Actions that impact this indicator

BE-1.1bDevelop a Building Performance Standards (BPS) policy.
On time
BE-1.3aDevelop municipal energy implementation plan and municipal zero carbon emissions buildings and operations policies.
BE-1.3SA-1Implement energy efficiency projects at City facilities to meet zero emissions goals...
On time
BE-1.3SA-3Implement City facilities to meet the zero emissions goals...established in the Municipal Energy Strategy & Implementation Plan.
On time
BE-1.3SA-6Future development on City-owned property will require and reward proposals based on decarbonization and other CAP goals