CECC-4.3-SA6Regulate or activate programs for food businesses to minimize food related carbon emissions...and provide technical assistance and resources. Also include checklist and outreach as part of business licensing process
- Not started
- Planning
- In progress
- Implementation
- Completed
Official description
Under California's SB 1383, food waste generators are classified into two tiers based on the amount of organic waste they generate annually. Tier 1 food waste generators are large producers, typically generating 2 or more cubic yards of organic waste per week. Examples of Tier 1 generators include supermarkets, hotels, and large restaurants. Tier 2 food waste generators are smaller producers, generally generating between 0.5 and 2 cubic yards of organic waste per week. This category includes smaller restaurants, grocery stores, and food service businesses.
The Environmental Services Department has identified Tier 1 and Tier 2 businesses/institutions in San Diego and is providing assistance in establishing food recycling and composting programs.
For information and resources on food recycling and recovery, see the Environmental Services Department's Commercial Food Scraps Composting page.
What are we doing?
- 6/2025
Conduct site visits
What has been done?
- 12/31/2024
All Tier 1 and Tier 2 generators have been identified
Interdependent actions
Summary and contacts
Lead department
Council Prioritization Score
Feasibility score
4.6(1-10)Equity score
The Environmental Services Department is currently conducting Education & Outreach via site visits and confirming food donation is already in place and/or helping establish a food donation program with the site.