MLU-3.1bUpdate Bicycle Master Plan with current best practices...
- Not started
- Planning
- In progress
- Implementation
- Completed
Official description
The Bicycle Master Plan Update (BMPU) will provide a comprehensive update to the City of San Diego’s Bicycle Master Plan that was adopted in 2013. The BMPU will refresh the City’s bicycle facility recommendations and prioritization of active transportation projects with an increased emphasis on equity and serving disadvantaged communities. The BMPU will address recent trends that have increased the demand for bicycle facilities throughout the City, such as the advent of shared use micromobility and e-bikes. Additionally, the BMPU will evaluate opportunities for faster implementation of bicycle facilities by evaluating quick-build and tactical urbanism recommendations. Finally, the BMPU will be an essential component to the City’s proposed Mobility Master Plan which will serve as the planning and implementation framework for mobility in the City of San Diego. The BMPU will also serve as the framework in conjunction with the proposed Mobility Master Plan to organize the City’s inventory of existing and planned bicycle infrastructure, prioritize projects that eliminate gaps in the multi-modal transportation network, and establish short-term and long-term actions with implementation mechanisms and funding sources.
The BMPU will support mode shift, prioritize investments in disadvantaged communities and work to remove the barriers that communities face when bicycling. Expanding the current bike network and increasing the quality of bicycle infrastructure will attract more cyclists and make it more appealing for drivers to bike to their destinations.
As of August 2024, the kick-off of the BMPU has started! Visit this link to view the progress of the Bicycle Master Plan or get involved.
Current BMP network/maps
What's left to do?
- 3/2026
Complete Bicycle Master Plan Update (action MLU-3.1b)
- 6/2028
Complete BMPU Supplemental Activies
What has been done?
- 08/01/2024
Kick-off Bicycle Master Plan Update Project
- 07/31/2023
Applied for Safe Streets For All (SS4A) Funds for the Bicycle Master Plan Update (awarded, accepted for Supplemental Activities)
- 03/31/2023
Applied for Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Program (STP) funds for the Bicycle Master Plan Update (awarded $700,000)
- 06/30/2022
Applied for Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) funds for the Bicycle Master Plan Update (not awarded)
Interdependent actions
Summary and contacts
Lead department
Council Prioritization Score
Feasibility score
9.1(1-10)Equity score