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MLU-3.3-SA4Provide Public WiFi access at various public areas in Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) areas.

Image: City of San Diego


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Stand up Public WiFi access at City Libraries, Recreation facilities and various public areas in Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) areas.
(Full action name in the CAP)


The City of San Diego continues to expand the number of locations where public Wi-Fi is available. All San Diego libraries and some Parks and Recreation facilities offer open public Wi-Fi. Recently, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and the Urban Collaborative Project partnered with the City to set up public Wi-Fi at selected bus shelters in the San Diego Promise Zone. Please see the SD Access 4 All website for the list of bus stops and an interactive map.


What's left to do?

  • Todo6/2025

    Create 10 new public Wi-Fi sites to support increased community internet access in San Ysidro and the Promise Zone.

    This task is dependent on funding.

Summary and contacts


  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

Reduce GHG Emissions

Community Identified Action

  • Feasibility score

  • Equity score

Information updated 09/13/2024