Advance undergrounding of utilities to provide a means to reduce energy use, increase green space preservation, sustainably process and store water and wastes, securely and efficiently site critical infrastructure, prevent and reverse degradation of the urban environment, and enhance quality of life.
(Full action name in the CAP)RIHE-5.3-SA2Advance undergrounding of utilties to provide a means to reduce energy use, increase green space preservation, sustainably process and store water and wastes, securely and efficiently site critical infrastructure, prevent and reverse degradation of the urban environment, and enhance quality of life.
- Not started
- Planning
- In progress
- Implementation
- Continuous
Official description
The City's Utilities Undergrounding Program (UUP) facilitates the work of moving poles and utility lines underground by coordinating and overseeing projects with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), telecom utilities, fiber optics, and other utilities. The majority of construction is executed by SDG&E in accordance with the City's Franchise Agreement.
To learn about the UUP, see the undergrounding status in your own neighborhood, or learn how to express your concerns or preferences about a particular project, please visit the Utilities Undergrounding Program page.
Summary and contacts
Lead department
Council Prioritization Score
Action Timing
Feasibility score
3.7(1-10)Equity score
Information updated 16.09.2024