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RIHE-5.3-SA1Expand awareness of the City's Rainwater Harvesting Rebates and Grass Replacement Rebates programs...

Image: City of San Diego


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Expand awareness of the City's Rainwater Harvesting Rebates and Grass Replacement Rebates programs to increase participation in the programs and facilitate accessibility to residents across the City, prioritizing those within Communities of Concern and areas that have had historically lower participation in the programs
(Full action name in the CAP)


The Stormwater Department (SWD) and Public Utilities Department (PUD) currently collaborate to fund and administer the Rainwater Harvesting Rebates and Grass Replacement Rebates. The Rebates Program offers residential rebates for a variety of water conservation and pollution prevention strategies including rain barrels/cisterns, downspout redirects, rain gutters, and replacement of turfgrass with low water use landscapes. The Stormwater Department plans to expand education and outreach efforts through the ThinkBlue educational campaign and via collaboration with nonprofit and community partners. This includes workshops with rainwater harvesting experts and community groups to educate people about rebates and rainwater harvesting. The Stormwater Department will work in coordination with the Public Utilities Department to make revisions to the program guidelines and implement program enhancements aimed at streamlining the application process, expanding program offerings and reducing barriers to participation .

By the end of FY25, the City aims to increase awareness and participation in the rebates program citywide and in Communities of Concern. The benefits of these efforts include improved water quality, reduced stormwater pollution, more local water, lower energy costs, savings for residents on water bills, and alignment with other city initiatives like composting and urban farming.


What has been done?

  • Done25.02.2024

    Rain barrel distribution event for City residents - February 2024

    During this event hosted by Solana Center in collaboration with the Stormwater Department, City residents were able to learn about rainwater harvesting, the City’s rebate program, as well as pick up discounted rain barrels to install at their residences.

  • Done21.02.2024

    Rainwater harvesting educational workshop for City residents - February 2024

    During this virtual workshop hosted by Solana Center in collaboration with the Stormwater Department, City residents were able to learn about rainwater harvesting and the City’s rebate program.

  • Done10.12.2023

    Rain barrel distribution event and educational workshop for City residents - December 2023

    During this event hosted by Solana Center in collaboration with the Stormwater Department, City residents were able to learn about rainwater harvesting, the City’s rebate program, as well as pickup discounted rain barrels to install at their residences.

  • Done30.06.2023

    Rebate program guidelines updated

    Program guidelines were updated to add rebates for cisterns (tanks larger than 200 gallon capacity), increase the amount of money residents are able to be rebated for rain barrels and cisterns, and incorporate Spanish language materials.

  • Done31.12.2022

    Awarded funding through the State's Integrated Regional Water Management Grant Program

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Summary and contacts


  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

  • Equity score

Information updated 30.09.2024