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Clean Energy - Residential PV generation

Latest value
68 MW
Time to goal
in 6 years
Strategic indicator

For future years, the electricity generation and capacity of behind-the-meter PV systems in the City are estimated based on the PV generation in CEC’s mid-demand forecast for SDG&E’s planning area, and the average ratio of PV generation in the City to that of SDG&E’s planning area from 2016–2019 (34%). Because of California’s solar programs, policies and mandates, the estimated PV capacity in 2030 in San Diego is projected to be 881 megawatts (MW). It is assumed the PV capacity from State programs will have an annual increase of 2.7% (the increase from 2029 to 2030) beyond 2030 due to the lack of statewide PV projections. The trend of behind-the-meter PV in the City is shown in the figure.

Reference: San Diego Climate Action Plan, Table 32.

Clean Energy - Residential PV generation

Actions that impact this indicator

BE-1.1SA-6Expand residential Photovoltaic deployment incentives/programs
On time