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GHG - Total City-wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Latest value
8,552,000MMT CO₂e
-213,000 MMT CO₂e
Time to goal
in 6 Jahren
-4,329,000MMT CO₂e
4,223,000MMT CO₂e
Strategic indicator

Below is a representation of total GHG emissions from the City of San Diego from the following sectors:

  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • On-Road Transportation
  • Solid Waste
  • Water
  • Wastewater

Modernizing the City’s approach to monitoring progress achieving a net zero goal, moving forward we will measure progress towards “0” rather than measuring against a historic baseline. This will ensure the monitoring results are more transparent and consistent with the most current available information, and also easier to understand so that the public, stakeholders and decision makers can independently assess the City’s progress and budgeting of resources.

GHG - Total City-wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions