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Decarbonization - Natural Gas Consumption Citywide (SDG&E sales)

Latest value
337million therms
-15 million therms
Time to goal
in 6 years
-143.95million therms
193.05million therms
Tactical indicator

This indicator shows the annual amount of natural gas used in the City of San Diego by residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Successful implementation of Measures 1.1 (Decarbonize Existing Buildings) should reduce this amount.

The targets shown on the right (green x's) are for the total amount of natural gas used (summing across residential, commercial, and industrial customers). These targets represent a 45% reduction in use by 2030 and a 90% reduction in use by 2035 (reductions calculated from a business-as-usual projection for 2019).

Decarbonization - Natural Gas Consumption Citywide (SDG&E sales)

Actions that impact this indicator

BE-1.1SA-2Update the Building Energy Benchmarking Ordinance to expand enforcement and compliance.
On time
BE-1.1bDevelop a Building Performance Standards (BPS) policy.
On time
BE-1.1SA-5Identify funding sources for residential weatherization projects, appliance exchanges, and building retrofits in CoC's.
BE-1.2SA-2Support new regional policies for alternative replace existing heating and cooling air systems and water systems