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Transportation - Mode Share (Commute to Work)

Tactical indicator

This indicator shows the mode share for work commutes in the City of San Diego and serves as a proxy for overall transportation behavior within the city. While it may not directly represent all travel, it is a significant subset, as work commutes typically constitute a substantial portion of daily trips for many residents. According to the Federal Highway Administration1, work commutes account for about 28% of household vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

This indicator will provide an indication of whether efforts to encourage alternative modes of transportation are effective. By monitoring changes in work commute mode share over time, the City can assess the impact of policies and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable transportation options, such as public transit, biking, walking, or carpooling. The City of San Diego has the following mode share goals for 2030 and 2035 for all residents' trips.

Mode share goals by 2030:

  • 19% walking
  • 7% cycling
  • 10% transit

Mode share goals by 2035:

  • 25% walking
  • 10% cycling
  • 15% transit

Transportation - Mode Share (Commute to Work)