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MLU-3.4-SA1Work with the Port of San Diego, SANDAG, and Caltrans to prepare a feasibility study to identify the best truck route to Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal and diversion, traffic calming and appropriate signage as included in the APCD’s Community Emission Reduction Plan (CERP)

Image: City of San Diego


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Work with the Port of San Diego, SANDAG, and Caltrans to prepare a feasibility study to identify the best truck route to Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal and diversion, traffic calming and appropriate signage as included in the APCD’s Community Emission Reduction Plan (CERP)
(Full action name in the CAP)


The City of San Diego is working with Caltrans, SANDAG, the Port of San Diego and the U.S. Navy on the Harbor Drive 2.0 and Vesta Street Bridge projects.

The Port of San Diego’s Tenth Avenue and National City Marine Terminals are critical to San Diego’s Working Waterfront industrial area. The marine terminals and rail yards accommodate freight vessels, trains, and trucks for international and domestic trade, but they impact nearby communities, schools, and transit centers. Continued growth without intervention will worsen congestion on local roads and spread truck traffic onto restricted, residential streets. Harbor Drive, 28th Street, and 32nd Street are the designated truck routes between the marine terminals, State Route 15, and Interstate 5. The Harbor Drive 2.0 and Vesta Street Bridge projects will provide the following improvements:

  • Construct dedicated truck lanes, queue jumps, freight signal priority, and other Intelligent Transportation System technologies
  • Install electric charging infrastructure to support zero-emission trucks
  • Construct a Vesta Street Bridge over Harbor Drive and railroads to connect the “wet” and “dry” sides of Naval Base San Diego Project Benefits
  • Reduces congestion and safety risks by internalizing Naval Base San Diego employee traffic and increasing capacity along freight routes and railroad crossings
  • Enables efficient travel for trucks between marine terminals and freeway network
  • Incentivizes greater adherence to the designated truck route through Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Enhances transportation equity and quality of life by mitigating freight impacts on the nearby Environmental Justice community
  • Decreases pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from truck idling
  • Provides safe, comfortable, and convenient active transportation facilities on the Vesta Street Bridge and connections to regional bikeways
  • Improves economic competitiveness of Working Waterfront industries
  • Helps supply chain resilience by accommodating multimodal freight


What's left to do?

  • Todo4/2024

    Design and Right of Way Phases begin

What has been done?

  • Done12/31/2023

    Project Approval and Environmental Document phase

Summary and contacts

  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

Reduce GHG Emissions

Community Identified Action

  • Feasibility score

  • Equity score

Information updated 09/13/2024