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MLU-3.5-SA8Maximize new development in areas located with safe, convenient and enjoyable access to transit

Image: City of San Diego


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Maximize new development in areas located with safe, convenient and enjoyable access to transit
(Full action name in the CAP)
This is a key focus of the City Planning Department's ongoing work on community plan updates. The City of San Diego is divided into 52 community planning areas, each with its own community plan. While the General Plan Land Use Element sets broad land use policies for the entire City, community plans offer more detailed guidance for how each specific community will be developed over the next 30 years. The community plan update process provides the opportunity to find ways to improve easy and affordable transportation choices, such as walking, biking, and using public transit, for commuting to work, school, grocery stores, and other daily errands. This will help reduce harmful pollutants released into our environment.

Summary and contacts



Lead department

  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

Reduce GHG Emissions

Community Identified Action

  • Feasibility score

  • Equity score

Information updated 06/25/2024