Core Benefits

Core benefits of this measure are Resiliency and Public Health
Core benefits of this measure are Resiliency and Public Health
The actions in this measure aim to divert material from the landfill by encouraging increased reduce, reuse, and recycle behavior.
How to explore the Actions section
Some actions are part of a sequence: completing one action may be necessary for the success of another, or may make another action easier to complete. The >> symbol on an action card indicates that it is part of a sequence. Hover over the >> symbol to see the full sequence of actions.
The color bar at the top of each action provides information about the implementation timeline.
Click on an action to learn more about it.
Measures 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 all focus on reducing the amount of waste that San Diegans send to the landfill. The indicators below provide two different metrics for progress.