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RIHE-5.2aCreate a Street Tree Master Plan with a target of planting 100,000 trees by 2035...

Image: Planning Department, Barrio Logan Community Plan, December 2023


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In progress
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Create a Street Tree Master Plan with a target of planting 100,000 trees by 2035. Within the Street Tree Master Plan, identify City lands and spaces that need trees and identify ways to increase permeable areas for new trees, focused in Communities of Concern
(Full action name in the CAP)


The Urban Forestry Program 5-Year Plan currently in effect was adopted in 2017. Pending funding, the Transportation Department will create a new 5-year program plan; work on the draft is tentatively scheduled to begin in FY26. As part of the update, the department will review and provide recommendations for revisions to the Municipal Code, council policies, community plans, and other relevant manuals in order to meet the goal of increasing the urban canopy with a focus on Communities of Concern. Updates to the actions listed below ("Related Actions") will follow from the program plan update, although some work on those is ongoing and not dependent on the program plan update.


What's left to do?

  • Todo6/2027

    Finalize the updated Urban Forestry Program 5-Year Plan

What are we doing?

  • Todo6/2026

    Complete and release a draft version of the Urban Forestry Program 5-Year Plan

Interdependent actions


Summary and contacts

Lead department

  • Council Prioritization Score


Action Timing

Community Identified Action

  • Feasibility score

  • Equity score

Information updated 13.09.2024

How this action contributes to the outcome